Fragile Moment By Ada Ireland A memory divorced from feeling is too fragile to withstand the test of time. It is an empty moment on the verge of being shattered. A bit of life never to be remembered again.
Hypnotized By Your Lips By Ada Ireland I know you’re trying to tell me something but I don’t understand a word. I keep staring at your lips, the way they move at just the perfect speed with just the perfect amount of smirk, teeth, and the tip of your tongue showing. All I can think […]
Happily Ever After By Ada Ireland They fell in love at first sight. Their happiness and passion inspired timeless stories. Their love lived longer than they did. And this is, line by line, a counterfactual poem.
Soul On Paper By Ada Ireland Something dies between the heart and the page no matter how skilled a writer is. You can’t capture the soul on paper. You can only draw a crude, raw sketch of it.
Pretend Maps By Ada Ireland I look for you in places you would never visit And stay away from places that you would. I grant my heart the origami hope it needs, And giving you the freedom that you want. … I look for you on pretend maps. You aren’t mine to find.
Bare Truth By Ada Ireland My words were dressed conservatively enough But my feelings were naked. And you had an eye for that. You asked me to take off The clothes And the figures of speech. You wanted your truth bare.
The First Lie By Ada Ireland It wasn’t when someone first told me, “Not everyone tells the truth,” That I started doubting people. It was when I told my first lie. I saw how easy it had been. A few years and some lies later I realized, The world wasn’t making a liar out […]
Another beautiful poem from Souldier Girl. Slivers by Souldiergirl I love you and I don’t know why With all this grief My heart keeps tight …a sliver of light And I think… If I keep this slender sliver on repeat …I will be alright I love you and I don’t know why I remember […]