Unashamed Writing

Authentic writing from the gut - the studio of a self-taught writer

Keep your milk chocolate close and your flattering friends even closer – A writer and her addictions

give me the chocolate and nobody gets hurtEvery writer should have a healthy addiction. We need it for coping with the high moments of intense drama and endless inspiration followed by the low moments of writer’s block, or even worse, writer’s doubts.

One way or another, a writer will give into some kind of addictive behavior. Heck, one way or another, any normal person will give into some kind of addictive behavior. Even those with legendary mental control will fail … sooner or later.

The trick then is to find a good … harmless addiction. Just don’t tell your brain about the harmless part. You will get sabotaged. Oh, and this is really important, make sure you do get a high from this addiction. It does have to feel great.

Me? I’m addicted to milk chocolate with hazelnuts. I could eat it by the boatload. Give me a piece of really good chocolate … ahem, Milka, Lindt, Ritter Sport … you know, the good European chocolate, and I’ll sing your praises. Right before I crash from the sugar high and get sick on your carpet.

Okay, I don’t get sick from milk chocolate. Something that good could never make me sick, right? Right! But chocolate makes my clothes tighter, go figure. And, it does play tricks on my mind and personality. One moment I’m all nice, sweet, even funny … the next I’m all crazy-eyed and frantic because my kids broke into the hidden stash of chocolate I bought just months ago in London. It was perfectly rationed to last me until my next trip to Europe.

Kids! Can’t live with them, can’t return them to the baby store either. Trust me, I asked! My kids are super lucky that they are so cute. Especially when their faces are covered with stolen (aka my) milk chocolate.

Back to addictions: I knew that my milk chocolate addiction was not good for me. What I didn’t know was that, as a new writer, you absolutely need something to give you the highs that only milk chocolate can, without the crashes that follow. I get plenty of crashes from being a writer, thank you very much.

You know what I discovered? Flattering friends are an absolute miracle. They can make you feel so good, you might even become addicted.

Someone who says they read everything you wrote? Hmmmm … I like that person already. Someone who says, “Keep writing, you’re good.” That’s even better.

How about someone who says … and this is my all-time favorite … “If you want to know what dreams are made of, just look into the mirror!” Sorry milk chocolate, but I have just found your replacement and it gave me my much need high faster than you can say “Milka”. Now all I need to do is get a bigger mirror.

So here’s to friends. Those rare few who like you despite your flaws, despite the distance, and despite your tendency to be overly dramatic. Thank you!

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